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Transfer Course Articulation
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%Do NSan Joaquin Valley Rancho
AIB College Business
ASA College
Abilene Christian U
Abraham Baldwin Agric College
Academy Art U
Adams State U
Adirondack CC
AdventHealth U
Agnes Scott College
Aiken Technical College
Aims CC
Alabama Southern CC
Alamance CC
Alaska Pacific U
Albany College Pharmacy Union
Albany State U
Albany Tech C
Alcorn State U
Alexandria Technical College
Alfred U SUNY
Allan Hancock College
Allegany College Maryland
Allegheny College
Allen County CC
Alliant International U
Alma College
Alpena CC
Alverno College
Alvin CC
Amarillo College
Ambrose U
American Academy Dramatic Arts
American Academy of Art
American Indian College
American InterContinental U
American InterContinental U
American International College
American Public U
American River College
American U
American U Puerto Rico
Anderson U
Anderson U
Andrews U
Angelina College
Angelo State U
Anne Arundel CC
Anoka Ramsey CC
Antelope Valley College
Appalachian State U
Arapahoe CC
Arcadia U
Argosy U Phoenix
Argosy U Twin Cities
Arizona State U
Arizona Western College
Arkansas State U
Arkansas State U Beebe
Arkansas Tech U
Armstrong Atlantic State U
Art Institute California SF
Art Institute Philadelphia
Art Institute Pittsburgh
Art Institute Portland
Asheville Buncombe Tech CC
Ashland U
Athens Technical C
Atlanta Area Technical School
Atlanta Metropolitan College
Atlantic Cape CC
Auburn U
Auburn U Montgomery
Augsburg College
Augusta State U
Augusta Tech College
Augusta U
Aurora U
Austin CC
Austin Peay U
Avila U
Azusa Pacific U
Baker College Flint
Baker College Muskegan
Baker College Owosso
Bakersfield College
Baldwin Wallace College
Ball State U
Baltimore City CC
Baptist Bible College Seminary
Barstow CC
Barton College
Barton Community College
Bastyr U
Bates College
Bates Technical College
Baton Rouge CC
Bauder College
Bay Mills CC
Bay Path College
Bay State College
Baylor University
Beaufort County CC
Becker Jr College Worchester
Bellarmine U
Bellevue C
Bellevue U
Bellingham Technical College
Belmont Technical College
Belmont U
Beloit College
Bemidji State U
Ben Franklin Institute Tech
Benedictine U
Bergen CC
Berkeley City College
Berkeley College - NJ
Berkeley College - New York
Berklee College Music
Berkshire CC
Berry College
Bethany Lutheran College
Bethany U
Bethel College
Bethel U
Bevill State CC
Big Bend CC
Big Sandy Community Tech
Biola U
Birmingham Southern College
Bishop State CC
Bismark State College
Black Hawk College
Black Hills State U
Blackhawk Technical C
Bladen CC
Blinn College
Bloomsburg U Pennsylvania
Blue Mountain CC
Blue Ridge CC
Blue Ridge CC
Bluefield College
Bluefield State College
Bluegrass Community Tech C
Boise State U
Bossier Parish CC
Boston College
Boston U
Bowdoin College
Bowie State U
Bowling Green State U Fireland
Bradley U
Brandeis U
Brandman U
Brazosport College
Brevard College
Brewton Parker College
Briar Cliff College
Bridgewater State College
Brigham Young U
Brigham Young U Hawaii
Brigham Young U Idaho
Bristol CC
Brookdale CC
Brookhaven College
Brooks College Long Beach
Brooks Institute
Broward College
Brown Mackie C Akron
Brown Mackie C Salina
Brunswick CC
Bryan College
Bryant Stratton College - Alba
Bryant Stratton College - Virg
Bucks County CC
Buena Vista U
Bunker Hill CC
Bushnell U
Butler CC
Butler County CC
Butler U
Butte College
C C Air Force Air U
C C Aurora
C Eastern Idaho
C Health Care Professions
C Western Idaho
CC Allegheny County
CC Aurora
CC Baltimore County
CC Beaver County
CC Denver
CC Philadelphia
CC Rhode Island
CC Vermont
CUNY Boro Manhattan CC
CUNY Brooklyn
CUNY City College
CUNY College Staten Island
CUNY College Staten Island
CUNY Graduate School U
CUNY Herbert H Lehman College
CUNY Hunter College
CUNY John Jay College Crim Jus
CUNY Kingsborough CC
CUNY Medgar Evers College
CUNY Queens College
CUNY Queensborough CC
Cabarrus College of Health
Cabrillo College
Caldwell CC Tech Institute
Calhoun CC
Calif State U San Bernadino
California Baptist U
California College Arts
California Inst Technology
California Lutheran U
California Maritime Academy
California Poly State U
California Poly U Pomona
California State U Bakersfield
California State U Channel Isl
California State U Chico
California State U Dominguez
California State U East Bay
California State U Fresno
California State U Fullerton
California State U Long Beach
California State U Los Angeles
California State U Monterey Ba
California State U Northridge
California State U Sacramento
California State U San Marcos
California State U Stanislaus
California U Pennsylvania
Calvary Bible College Theol
Calvin College
Camden County College
Cameron U
Campbell U
Campbellsville College
Canada College
Canisius College
Cape Cod CC
Cape Fear CC
Capella U
Capital CC
Capitol College
Carl Sandburg College
Carleton College
Carolinas College of Health Sc
Carrington C
Carrington C Boise
Carrington C Citrus Heights
Carrington C Las Vegas
Carrington C Mesa
Carrington C Spokane
Carrington College
Carroll CC
Carroll College
Cascadia C
Case Western Reserve U
Casper College
Catawba College
Catawba Valley CC
Cayuga County CC
Cecil College
Cedar Valley College
Cedarville U
Central Alabama CC
Central Arizona College
Central CC
Central Carolina CC
Central Carolina Tech College
Central College
Central Connecticut State U
Central Georgia Tech College
Central Lakes College
Central Maine CC
Central Methodist University
Central Michigan U
Central New Mexico CC
Central Ohio Tech College
Central Oregon CC
Central Piedmont CC
Central Texas College
Central Virginia CC
Central Washington U
Central Wyoming College
Centralia College
Centre College
Century College
Cerritos College
Cerro Coso CC
Chabot College
Chadron State College
Chaffey College
Chaminade U Honolulu
Champlain College
Chandler Gilbert CC
Chapman U
Charles S Mott CC
Charleston Southern U
Charter Oak College
Chattahoochee Technical Coll
Chattahootche Valley CC
Chattanooga State Tech CC
Chemeketa CC
Chesapeake College
Chicago State U
Chippewa Valley Technical Coll
Chowan U
Christopher Newport U
Cincinnati State Tech CC
Cisco Junior College
Citadel Military College SC
Citrus College
City College Chicago
City College Chicago City Wide
City College Chicago Olive Har
City College Chicago Truman
City College Chicago Wright
City Colleges Chicago KennedyK
City Colleges Chicago MalcolmX
City Colleges Chicago RJ Daley
City U New York York College
City U Seattle
Clackamas CC
Claremont Mckenna College
Clarion U Venango
Clark Atlanta U
Clark College
Clark State CC
Clatsop CC
Clayton State U
Clearwater Christian College
Clemson U
Cleveland CC
Cleveland Chiropractic College
Cleveland Institute Art
Cleveland State CC
Cleveland State U
Clinton CC
Clinton CC
Cloud County CC
Clover Park Technical College
Clovis CC
Clovis CC Fresno
Coastal Alabama CC
Coastal Bend College
Coastal Carolina CC
Coastal Carolina CC
Coastal Carolina U
Coastal Pines Technical C
Coastline CC
Cochise College
Coconino County CC
Coe College
Coffeyville CC
Cogswell Polytechnical College
Colby CC
Colby College
College Alameda
College Albemarle
College Canyons
College Central Florida
College Charleston
College Creative Studies
College Desert
College DuPage
College Eastern Utah
College Lake County
College Mainland
College Marin
College New Jersey
College Saint Benedict
College Saint Elizabeth
College Saint Mary
College Saint Scholastica
College San Mateo
College Sequoias
College Siskiyous
College Southern Idaho
College Southern Maryland
College Southern Nevada
College William Mary
College of Idaho
College of Insurance
College of the Redwoods
Collin County CC District
Colorado Christian U
Colorado College
Colorado Mesa U
Colorado Mountain College
Colorado Mountain College
Colorado Northwestern CC
Colorado School Mines
Colorado State U Ft Collin
Colorado State U Global
Colorado State U Pueblo
Colorado Technical U
Columbia Basin College
Columbia Christian College
Columbia College
Columbia College
Columbia College Chicago
Columbia Gorge CC
Columbia Greene CC
Columbia Southern Universisty
Columbia State CC
Columbia U City New York
Columbus State CC
Columbus State U
Columbus Technical College
Compton C
Concordia College Moorhead
Concordia U Ann Arbor
Concordia U Austin
Concordia U Irvine
Concordia U Portland
Concordia U River Forest
Concordia U Seward
Concordia U St Paul
Contra Costa College
Copiah Lincoln CC
Copper Mountain C
Corban University
Cornell College
Cornell U
Corning CC
Cornish College Arts
Cossatot CC U Arkansas
Cosumnes River College
Cottey College
County College Morris
Covenant College
Cowley County CC
Cr by Cert AWS Certified
Cr by Cert CIW
Cr by Cert Cisco Certification
Cr by Cert CompTIA
Cr by Cert EC Council
Cr by Cert Fortinet Network
Cr by Cert Juniper
Cr by Cert Microsoft
Cr by Cert Offensive Security Certified
Cr by Cert Python Instiitute
Cr by Cert Red Hat Certified
Crafton Hills College
Craven CC
Craven CC
Creighton U
Crowder College
Cuesta College
Culinary Institute America
Culver Stockton College
Cumberland County College
Cumberland County U Cumberland
Cumberland U
Cuyahoga CC
Cuyamaca College
Cypress College
DO NOT USE use 003545 Baylor
Dakota State U
Dakota Wesleyan U
Dallas County CC
Dalton State College
Danville Area CC
Danville CC
Dartmouth College
Darton College
Davenport U
Davidson College
Davidson County CC
Dawson CC
Daytona State C
De Anza College
DePaul U
DeVry Institute Tech Decatur
DeVry U California
DeVry U Denver South Cen
DeVry U Federal Way Campus
DeVry U Irving Campus
DeVry U Portland
DeVry U Sherman Oaks
DeVry University
Dean College
Defense Language Institute
Del Mar College
Delaware County CC
Delaware Tech CC Terry Campus
Delaware Tech Cmty Col Stanto
Delaware Technical CC Stanton
Delgado Community College
Delta College
Delta State U
Des Moines Area CC
Des Moines Area CC
Devry U Addison Campus
Devry U Arlington
Devry U Columbus Campus
Devry U Fremont Campus
Devry U Kansas City Campus
Devry U Pomona Campus
Diablo Valley College
Dickinson State U
DigiPen Institute of Technolog
Dillard U
Dine College
Doane University
Dodge City CC
Dominican U California
Don Bosco Tech Institute
Donnelly College
Dordt College
Dowling College
Drake U
Drexel U
Drury U
Duke U
Dunwoody College of Technology
Durham Technical CC
Dutchess CC
Earlham College
East Carolina U
East Central College
East Central U
East Georgia College
East Los Angeles College
East Mississippi CC
East Stroudsburg U
East Tennessee State U
Eastern Arizona College
Eastern Connecticut State U
Eastern Florida State C
Eastern Gateway CC
Eastern Illinois U
Eastern Iowa CC Dist
Eastern Kentucky U
Eastern Maine CC
Eastern Michigan U
Eastern NM U Central Office
Eastern Nazarene College
Eastern New Mexico U Portales
Eastern New Mexico U Roswell
Eastern Oregon U
Eastern Washington U
Eastern Wyoming College
Eastfield College
Eastwick C Nutley
Eckerd College
Edison State CC
Edmonds CC
El Camino College Compton Cent
El Camino/Compton College
El Centro College
El Paso CC
Elgin CC
Elizabethtown Community Tech C
Elmira College
Elon U
Embry Riddle Aero U Ext Campus
Embry Riddle Aero U Presco
Embry Riddle Aero U Prescott
Embry Riddle Aeronautical U
Emerson College
Emory U
Empire College
Endicott College
Ensign College
Enterprise Ozark CC
Erie CC City Campus
Erie CC North Campus
Essex CC
Essex County College
Estrella Mountain CC
Evangel U
Everett CC
Everglades Univ
Evergreen Valley College
Excelsior College
Fairfield U
Fairleigh Dickinson U Florham
Fairmont State U
Farmingdale State U New York
Fashion Inst Design Merchandis
Fashion Inst Design Merchandis
Fashion Inst Design/Merchandz
Fashion Institute Tech
Faulkner U
Fayetteville State U
Fayetteville Technical CC
Feather River College
Felician College
Ferris State U
Finger Lakes CC
Finger Lakes CC
Finlandia U
Fisher College
Fitchburg State College
Flathead Valley CC
Fletcher Technical CC
Florence Darlington Tech Coll
Florida AM U
Florida Atlantic U
Florida Gulf Coast U
Florida Institute Tech
Florida International U
Florida Keys CC
Florida National U
Florida Polytech U
Florida Southern College
Florida Southwestern State C
Florida State Col Jacksonville
Florida State U
Folsom Lake College
Foothill College
Forsyth Technical CC
Fort Hays State U
Fort Lewis College
Fort Valley State U
Fox Valley Technical College
Framingham State U
Franklin U
Frederick CC
Fresno City College
Fresno Pacific U
Friends U
Front Range CC
Frostburg State U
Fullerton College
Fulton Montgomery CC
GC Wallac St CC Selma
Gadsden State CC
Gadsden State CC
Gainesville State College
Galveston College
Galveston College
Gannon U
Garden City CC
Gaston College
Gateway CC
Gateway CC
Gateway CC Tech C
Gateway Technical College
Gavilan College
Genesee CC
Geneva College
George Fox U
George Mason U
George Wallace CC Dothan
George Washington U
Georgetown U
Georgia College State U
Georgia Highlands College
Georgia Institute Technology
Georgia Military College
Georgia Northwestern Tech C
Georgia Perimeter College
Georgia Piedmont Tech C
Georgia Southern U
Georgia Southwestern State U
Georgia State U
Gettysburg College
Glen Oaks CC
Glendale CC
Glendale CC
Global U
Gogebic CC
Golden Gate U
Golden West College
Gonzaga U
Goodwin C
Gordon College
Gordon College
Goucher College
Governors State U
Grace Bible College
Graceland U
Grambing State U
Grand Canyon U
Grand Rapids CC
Grand Valley State U
Granite State C
Grantham College Engineering
Grantham U
Grays Harbor College
Grayson College
Great Basin College
Great Bay CC
Green Mountain College
Green River CC
Greenfield CC
Greenville Technical College
Griffin College
Grinnell College
Grossmont College
Guam CC
Guilford College
Guilford Technical CC
Gulf Coast State C
Gustavus Adolphus C
Gwinnett Technical College
Gwynedd Mercy College
Hagerstown CC
Hamilton College
Hampton U
Hannibal LaGrange College
Harcum College
Hardin Simmons U
Harford CC
Harold Washington College
Harper C
Harrisburg Area CC
Hartnell College
Harvard U
Harvey Mudd College
Haskell Indian Nations U
Hastings College
Haverford College
Hawaii Community College
Hawaii Pacific U
Hawkeye CC
Haywood CC
Hazard Comm Tech College
Heald Bus College Rohnret
Heald C Roseville
Heald College - Honolulu
Heald College Concord
Heald College Milpitas
Heald College Rancho Cordova
Heald College San Jose
Heidelberg College
Helena C U Montana
Hendrix College
Henry Cogswell College
Henry Ford C
Heritage U
Herkimer County CC
Herzing College
Hesser College
Hesston College
Hibbing CC
High Point U
Highland CC
Highland CC Kansas
Highline C
Hill College
Hillsborough CC
Hinds CC
Hiram College
Hocking College
Hofstra U
Holmes CC
Holy Cross College
Holy Family U
Holy Names U
Holyoke CC
Honolulu CC
Hope College
Hopkinsville CC
Horry Georgetown Tech College
Hostos CC CUNY
Housatonic CC
Houston CC
Howard CC
Howard College
Howard U
Hudson County CC
Hudson Valley CC
Humboldt State U
Huntingdon College
Husson College
Hutchinson CC
Idaho State U
Illinois Central College
Illinois East CC Wabash Valley
Illinois Eastern CC
Illinois Institute Technology
Illinois State U
Illinois Valley CC
Immaculate Heart College
Imperial Valley College
Independence U
Indian Hills CC
Indian Hills CC Ottumw
Indian River State C
Indiana Institute Technology
Indiana Purdue U Ft Wayne
Indiana Purdue U Ft Wayne
Indiana Purdue U Indiannapolis
Indiana State U
Indiana U Bloomington
Indiana U Northwest
Indiana U Pennsylvania
Indiana U Southeast
Indiana Wesleyan U
Inter American U Puerto Rico S
Inter American Univ-Bayamon
Inver Hills CC
Iona College
Iowa Central CC
Iowa Lakes CC
Iowa State U
Iowa Western CC
Iowa Western Community College
Irvine Valley College
Itasca CC
Itawamba CC
Ithaca College
Ivey Tech CC Indiana SE
Ivy Tech CC
Ivy Tech CC Bloomington
Ivy Tech CC Indiana Northeast
Ivy Tech CC Indiana Northwest
Ivy Technical CC IN N Central
J Sargeant Reynolds CC
Jackson College
Jackson State CC
Jacksonville State U
James A Rhodes State College
James Madison U
Jamestown CC
Jefferson CC
Jefferson Comm Tech Coll Dist
Jefferson State CC
Jewish Hospital Sch. of Nursin
John A Logan College
John Brown U
John Carroll U
John Tyler CC
John Wood CC
Johnson County CC
Johnson State College
Johnson Wales U
Johnston CC
Joliet Junior College
Jones County Junior College
Jones International U
Judson U
Juniata College
Kalamazoo College
Kalamazoo Valley CC
Kankakee CC
Kansas City Kansas CC
Kansas State U
Kaskaskia College
Kean U
Keiser U
Keiser University
Kellogg CC
Kennebec Valley CC
Kennesaw State U
Kent State U Main Campus
Kent State U Trumbull
Kent State U Tuscarawas
Kentucky Comm Tech Coll Sys
Kenyon College
Kettering College
Kettering U
Keystone College
Kilgore College
Kilian CC
King College
Kings College
Kirkwood CC
Kirtland CC
Kishwaukee College
Klamath CC
Knoxville College
Kutztown U Pennsylvania
La Roche College
La Salle U
La Sierra U
LaGuardia CC CUNY
Laboure College
Lackawanna College
Laguna College Art Design
Lake Area Technical Institute
Lake City CC
Lake Forest College
Lake Land College
Lake Michigan College
Lake Region State College
Lake Sumter CC
Lake Superior College
Lake Superior State U
Lake Tahoe CC
Lake Washington Institute Tech
Lakeland CC
Lakeland College
Lakeshore Technical Coll
Lakewood CC
Lamar CC
Lamar Institute Technology
Lamar U
Lamar University - Orange
Landmark College
Lane CC
Laney College
Langston U
Lanier Technical College
Lansing CC
Laramie County CC
Laredo CC
Las Positas College
Lasell College
Lassen CC
Lawrence Technological U
Lawrence U
Lawson State CC
Le Moyne College
LeTourneau U
Lebanon Valley College
Lee College
Lee U
Lees McRae College
Lehigh Carbon CC
Lehigh U
Lemoyne Owen College
Lenoir CC
Lenoir Rhyne College
Lesley U
Lewis Clark State College
Lewis U
Lewis and Clark CC
Lewis and Clark College
Liberty U
Life Pacific College
Lincoln Land CC
Lincoln U
Lincoln U
Lindenwood U
Linfield College
Linn Benton CC
Lock Haven U Pennsylvania
Logan U
Loma Linda U
Lone Star Coll System
Long Beach City College
Long Island U
Long Island U Brooklyn Campus
Long Island U CW Post Campus
Longwood U
Lorain County CC
Lord Fairfax CC
Los Angeles City College
Los Angeles Harbor College
Los Angeles Metro College
Los Angeles Mission College
Los Angeles Pierce College
Los Angeles Southwest College
Los Angeles Trade-Tech College
Los Angeles Valley College
Los Angels Pacific U
Los Medanos College
Louisiana Christian U
Louisiana College
Louisiana State U A M College
Louisiana State U Alexandria
Louisiana State U Eunice
Louisiana State U Shreveport
Louisiana Technical U
Lourdes College
Lower Columbia College
Loyola Marymount U
Loyola U Chicago
Loyola U Maryland
Lubbock Christian U
Luna CC
Lurleen B Wallace CC
Luzerne County CC
Lycoming College
Lynn U
MCP Hahnemann
MN State Comm & Tech College
Macomb CC
Madera CC
Madison Area Technical Coll
Madisonville CC
Maharishi U Management
Maine C Health Professions
Maine Maritime Academy
Malone College
Manchester CC
Manchester CC
Mandl School Allied Health
Mansfield U Pennsylvania
Maranatha Baptist Bible Coll
Maria College Albany
Marian College
Marian U
Marietta College
Marin CC
Marion Military Institute
Marion Technical College
Marist College
Marlboro College
Marquette U
Mars Hill College
Marshall U
Marshalltown CC
Marylhurst U
Marymount College
Marymount Manhattan College
Marymount U
Maryville U Saint Louis
Marywood U
Massachusetts Bay CC
Massachusetts College Arts
Massachusetts College Liberal
Massachusetts College Pharmacy
Massachusetts Inst Technology
Massasoit CC
Masters College Seminary
Mayo School Health Sciences
Mayville State U
McDaniel College
McHenry County College
McLennan CC
McNeese State U
McPherson College
Mckendree College
Mendocino College
Merced College
Mercer County CC
Mercer U
Mercy College
Mercy College Health Sciences
Mercy College of NW Ohio
Meridian CC
Merrimack College
Merritt College
Mesa CC
Mesabi CC
Mesalands CC
Methodist U
Metropolitan CC
Metropolitan CC Blue River
Metropolitan CC Longview
Metropolitan CC Maple Woods
Metropolitan CC Penn Valley
Metropolitan State U
Metropolitan State U
Miami Dade College
Michigan State U
Michigan Technological U
Mid America Christian College
Mid Michigan CC
Mid Plains CC
Mid South CC
Mid State Technical College
Mid-South Technical College
Middle Georgia College
Middle Georgia State U
Middle Tennessee State U
Middlebury College
Middlesex CC
Middlesex County College
Midland College
Midland Lutheran College
Midlands Technical College
Midway College
Midwestern State U
Miles CC
Millersville U Pennsylvania
Mills College
Milwaukee Area Technical Coll
Milwaukee School Engineering
Mineral Area College
Minneapolis CC
Minnesota State C SE Tech
Minnesota State Community Tech
Minnesota State U Mankato
Minnesota State U Moorhead
Minnesota West Comm Tech Coll
Minot State U
Mira Costa College
Misericoria U
Mission College
Mississippi Gulf Coast CC
Mississippi State U
Mississippi Valley State U
Missouri Baptist U
Missouri Southern State U
Missouri State U
Missouri U Science & Tech
Missouri Valley College
Missouri Western State U
Mitchell Technical Institute
Moberly Area CC
Modesto Junior C
Mohave CC
Mohawk Valley CC
Molloy College
Monmouth U
Monroe CC
Monroe College
Monroe County CC
Montana State U
Montana State U Billings
Montana State U Great Falls
Montana Tech U Montana
Montcalm CC
Montclair State U
Monterey Peninsula College
Montgomery CC
Montgomery Coll Germantown
Montgomery College
Montgomery College Rockville
Montgomery College Takoma Park
Montgomery County CC
Moody Bible Institute
Moorpark College
Moraine Park Tech College
Moraine Valley CC
Moravian College
Morehead State U
Moreno Valley C
Morgan CC
Morgan State U
Morningside College
Morton College
Motlow State CC
Mount Aloysius College
Mount Angel Seminary
Mount Holyoke College
Mount Ida College
Mount Marty College
Mount Mary College
Mount Olive College
Mount San Antonio College
Mount San Jacinto College
Mountain Empire CC
Mountain State U
Mountain View College
Mountwest CC and Tech C
Mt Hood CC
Mt San Jacinto College
Mt Wachusett CC
Multnomah University
Multnomah University
Murray State College
Murray State U
Muskegon CC
NYC College Tech City U NY
Napa Valley College
Nash CC
Nashville State Technical CC
Nassau CC
National American U
National U
National U Health Sciences
Naugatuck Valley CC
Naval Postgraduate School
Navarro College
Nazarene Bible College
Nebraska Methodist College
Neosho County CC
New College School Law
New England C Business Finance
New England College
New England Institute Tech
New Hampshire Tech Coll Berlin
New Hampshire Technical Inst
New Jersey Institute Tech
New Mexico Highlands U
New Mexico Inst Mine Tech
New Mexico Junior College
New Mexico Military Institute
New Mexico St U at Alamogordo
New Mexico State U Dona Ana CC
New Mexico State U Grants Bran
New Mexico State U Main Campus
New River CC
New Saint Andrews C
New York Chiropractic College
New York Inst Tech Manhattan
New York Inst Technology
New York U
Newberry College
Newbury College
Newman U
Niagara County CC
Niagara U
Nicholls State U
Norco College
Norfolk State U
Normandale CC
North American U
North Carolina A T State U
North Carolina State U
North Central Kansas Tech Coll
North Central Michigan College
North Central Missouri College
North Central State College
North Central Texas College
North Country CC
North Dakota State Coll Scienc
North Dakota State U Main Camp
North Florida CC
North Georgia Tech C
North Greenville U
North Hennepin CC
North Idaho College
North Iowa Area CC
North Lake College
North Park U
North Seattle College
North Shore CC
Northampton CC
Northcentral Technical College
Northcentral U
Northeast CC
Northeast Iowa CC
Northeast Lakeview C
Northeast Mississippi CC
Northeast Oklahoma AM College
Northeast State Tech CC
Northeast Texas CC
Northeast Wisconsin Tech Coll
Northeastern Illinois U
Northeastern Junior College
Northeastern State U
Northeastern Technical College
Northeastern U
Northern Arizona U
Northern Essex CC
Northern Illinois U
Northern Kentucky U
Northern Maine CC
Northern Michigan U
Northern Montana State U
Northern Nevada CC
Northern New Mexico CC
Northern State U
Northern Virginia CC
Northland College
Northland Community Tech Coll
Northland Pioneer College
Northshore Technical C
Northwest Arkansas CC
Northwest College
Northwest Florida State C
Northwest Indian College
Northwest Kansas Technical C
Northwest Mississippi CC
Northwest Missouri State U
Northwest Nazarene U
Northwest Shoals CC
Northwest State CC
Northwest U
Northwest Vista C
Northwestern C
Northwestern College
Northwestern College
Northwestern Michigan College
Northwestern State U
Northwestern U
Norwalk CC
Norwalk State Tech College
Norwich U
Nova Southeastern U
Nunez CC
Oakland CC
Oakland CC Michigan
Oakland U
Oakton CC
Oberlin College
Occidental College
Ocean County College
Odessa College
Oglala Lakota College
Ohio Christian U
Ohio Dominican U
Ohio Northern U
Ohio State U Lima
Ohio State U Main Campus
Ohio State U Main Campus
Ohio U Main Campus
Ohlone College
Oklahoma Christian U
Oklahoma City CC
Oklahoma Panhandle State U
Oklahoma State U
Oklahoma State U Oklahoma City
Oklahoma State Unv Tech
Oklahoma Wesleyan U
Old Dominion U
Olivet College
Olympic College
Onondaga CC
Orange Coast College
Orange County CC
Orangeburg Calhoun Tech Coll
Oregon Coast CC
Oregon Coll of Art and Craft
Oregon Health & Sciences U
Oregon State U
Otero Junior College
Ottawa U
Otterbein College
Ouachita Baptist U
Our Lady of the Lake C
Owens CC
Oxnard College
Ozarks Technical CC
Pace U
Pacific Lutheran U
Pacific Northwest College
Pacific U
Pacific Union College
Palm Beach State College
Palo Alto College
Palo Verde College
Palomar College
Pamlico CC
Panama Canal College
Panola College
Paradise Valley CC
Paris Junior College
Park U
Parkland College
Parks College Saint Louis U
Pasadena City College
Pasco Hernando CC
Passaic County CC
Patten U
Paul D Camp CC
Peace College
Pearl River CC
Peirce College
Peninsula College
Penn State U Park
Penn Tech Institute
Pennsylvania C Health Sciences
Pennsylvania Coll Technology
Pennsylvania State U New Ken
Pensacola State C
Pepperdine U
Pfeiffer U
Philadelphia Biblical U
Philadelphia U
Philander Smith College
Phillips CC U Arkansas
Phillips Junior College MS
Phoenix College
Piedmont Technical College
Piedmont Virginia CC
Pierce College
Pikes Peak CC
Pima Community Coll
Pine Tech & CC
Pioneer Pacific College
Pitt CC
Pittsburg State U
Plymouth State U
Point Loma Nazarene U
Polk CC
Polytechnic U
Polytechnic U Puerto Rico
Pomona College
Porterville College
Portland CC
Portland State U
Post U
Prairie State College
Prairie View A M U
Pratt CC
Pratt Institute
Prescott College
Presentation College
Prince Georges CC
Prince William Sound CC
Princeton University
Principia College
Pueblo CC
Pulaski Technical College
Purchase College SUNY
Purdue U Calumet
Purdue U Global
Purdue U Main Campus
Quincy College
Quincy U
Quinnipiac U
Quinsigamond CC
Radford U
Randolph CC
Ranger College
Rappahannock CC
Raritan Valley CC
Rasmussen C
Rasmussen C Ocala
Rasmussen College
Reading Area CC
Red Rocks CC
Redlands CC
Reed College
Reedley College
Regent U
Regis U
Reinhardt College
Rend Lake College
Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst
Renton Technical College
Rhode Island College
Richard Bland College
Richard Stockton College NJ
Richland CC
Richland College
Ridgewater College
Rio Hondo College
Rio Salado C
River Valley CC
Riverland CC
Riverside City C
Robert B Miller C
Robert Morris U
Roberts Wesleyan College
Robeson CC
Rochester Community Tech Coll
Rochester Institute Technology
Rock Valley College
Rockhurst U
Rockingham CC
Rocky Mountain Coll Art Desgn
Rocky Mountain College
Rogers State U
Rogue CC
Rollins College
Rose Hulman Inst Technology
Rose State College
Rowan C Burlington C
Rowan Cabarrus CC
Rowan Coll Gloucester County
Rowan U
Russell Sage College
Rust College
Rutgers State U New Brunswick
Rutgers State U Newark
Rutgers University Camden
SUNY Binghamton
SUNY Broome CC
SUNY Buffalo
SUNY Buffalo
SUNY Canton College Tech
SUNY Coll Agric Tech Morrisvle
SUNY Coll Technology New Delhi
SUNY College Brockport
SUNY College Environmental Sc
SUNY College Geneseo
SUNY College Oswego
SUNY College Tech Alfred
SUNY Cortland
SUNY Empire State College
SUNY Fredonia
SUNY Maritime College
SUNY New Paltz
SUNY Rockland CC
SUNY Stony Brook
SUNY Upstate Medical U
SUNY Westchester CC
SUNY at Albany
Sacramento City College
Sacred Heart U
Saddleback College
Saginaw Valley State U
Saint Cloud Technical College
Saint Johns College
Saint Johns River CC
Saint Josephs College
Saint Josephs U
Saint Leo U
Saint Louis CC-Florissant
Saint Louis U
Saint Martin U
Saint Marys College of Calif
Saint Micheals College
Saint Norbert College
Saint Xavier U
Salem CC
Salem International U
Salem State College
Salish Kootenai College
Salt Lake CC
Salve Regina U
Sam Houston State U
Samuel Merritt College
San Antonio College
San Bernadino Valley College
San Diego Christian College
San Diego City College
San Diego Mesa College
San Diego Miramar College
San Diego State U
San Francisco Art Institute
San Francisco State U
San Jacinto College Central
San Jacinto College North Camp
San Jacinto College South Camp
San Joaquin Delta College
San Joaquin Valley C Fresno
San Joaquin Valley College
San Jose City College
San Jose State U
San Juan College
Sandhills CC
Santa Ana College
Santa Barbara City College
Santa Clara U
Santa Fe C
Santa Fe CC
Santa Monica College
Santa Rosa Jr College
Santiago Canyon College
Sauk Valley CC
Savannah College Art Design
Savannah State U
Savannah Technical College
Schenectady County CC
School International Training
School Visual Arts
Schoolcraft College
Scott CC
Scottsdale CC
Seattle Central College
Seattle Pacific U
Seattle U
Seminole State C of FL
Seminole State College
Seton Hall U
Seton Hill U
Sewanne U South
Seward County CC
Shasta College
Shawnee State U
Shelton State CC
Shenandoah U
Shepherd U
Sheridan College
Shippensburg U Pennsylvania
Shoreline CC
Si Tanka U
Siena Heights U
Sierra College
Sierra Nevada College
Simons Rock College Bard
Simpson College
Simpson U
Sinclair CC
Sitting Bull College
Skagit Valley College
Skidmore College
Skyline College
Smith College
Snead State CC
Snow College
Solano CC
Somerset CC
Sonoma State U
Sothwest Baptist U
South Arkansas U El Dorado
South Carolina State U
South College
South Dakota School Mines Tech
South Dakota State U
South Florida CC
South Illinois U Edwardsville
South Louisiana CC
South Mountain CC
South Piedmont CC
South Plains College
South Puget Sound CC
South Seattle CC
South Suburban College Cook
South Texas College
South U
South West Virginia Com Tech C
Southcentral Kentucky Co Te C
Southeast CC
Southeast CC - Lincoln
Southeast Community Tech
Southeast Missouri State U
Southeast Technical Institute
Southeastern CC
Southeastern Illinois College
Southeastern Louisiana U
Southeastern Oklahoma State U
Southeastern Technical C
Southeastern U
Southern Adventist U
Southern Arkansas U Tech
Southern Baptist Theological
Southern California U Hea Sci
Southern Connecticut State U
Southern Crescent Tech C
Southern Illinois U
Southern Illinois U Carbondale
Southern Maine CC
Southern Methodist U
Southern New Hampshire U
Southern Oregon U
Southern Polytechnic State U
Southern State CC
Southern U and A&M C
Southern Union State CC
Southern Utah U
Southern Vermont College
Southern Virginia U
Southside Virginia CC
Southwest Georgia Technical
Southwest Tennessee CC
Southwest Tennessee CC
Southwest Texas Junior College
Southwest Virginia CC
Southwestern Adventist U
Southwestern Assemblies God U
Southwestern CC
Southwestern CC
Southwestern College
Southwestern College
Southwestern Illinois College
Southwestern Michigan College
Southwestern Mississippi CC
Southwestern Oklahoma State U
Southwestern Oregon CC
Spalding U
Spartanburg Tech CC
Spokane CC
Spokane Falls CC
Spoon River College
Springfield College
Springfield Tech CC
St Augustine College
St Catherine U
St Charles CC
St Charles CC
St Clair County CC
St Cloud State U
St Francis College
St John Fisher College
St Johns U
St Johns U
St Louis CC Forest Park
St Louis CC Meramec
St Marys College Maryland
St Marys U
St Marys U Minnesota
St Olaf College
St Paul College Tech CC
St Petersburg College
St Philips College
Stanford U
Stanly CC
Stark State College Technology
State C of Florida Manatee
State Center CC District
State Fair CC
State Technical C Missouri
Stautzenberger College
Stephen F Austin State U
Stephens College
Stevenson U
Stillman College
Strayer U
Suffolk City CC Ammerman
Suffolk County CC Eastern
Suffolk County CC Western
Suffolk U
Sullivan County CC
Surry CC
Sussex County CC
Sussex County CC Spart
Sweet Briar College
Syracuse U Main Campus
Tabor College
Tacoma CC
Taft College
Talladaga College
Tallahassee CC
Tarleton State U
Tarrant County College
Taylor U
Teachers College Columbia U
Temple College
Temple U
Tennessee State U
Tennessee Technological U
Tennessee Wesleyan College
Texarkana College
Texas A M International U
Texas A M U
Texas A M U Commerce
Texas A M U Corpus Christi
Texas A M U Kingsville
Texas Christian U
Texas Southern U
Texas State Tech C West TX
Texas State Tech Coll Marshall
Texas State Tech College
Texas State Tech Inst Waco
Texas State U San Marcos
Texas Technical U
Texas Womans U
Thaddeus Stevens College Tech
The Art Institute Seattle
The College of Westchester
The New School
Thiel College
Thomas Edison State Coll
Thomas Jefferson U
Thomas Nelson CC
Three Rivers CC
Three Rivers Comm Tech College
Tidewater CC
Tillamook Bay CC
Tompkins Cortland CC
Touro College
Towson U
Treasure Valley CC
Trenholm State Tech College
Tri County Technical College
Trident Technical College
Trident U
Trinidad State Jr College
Trinity College
Trinity Valley CC
Triton College
Trocaire College
Troy U
Truckee Meadows CC
Truett McConnell College
Truman State U
Tufts U
Tulane U
Tulsa CC
Tunxis CC
Tusculum College
Tuskegee U
Tyler Junior College
U Akron Main Camp
U Alabama
U Alabama Birmingham
U Alabama Huntsville
U Alaska Anchorage
U Alaska FairbanksChukch
U Alaska Southeast
U Arizona
U Arizona Global Campus
U Arkansas CC Morrilton
U Arkansas Ft Smith
U Arkansas Little Rock
U Arkansas Main Campus
U Arkansas Medical Science
U Bridgeport
U British Columbia
U California Berkeley
U California Davis
U California Irvine
U California Los Angeles
U California Riverside
U California San Diego
U California Santa Barbara
U California Santa Cruz
U Central Arkansas
U Central Florida
U Central Missouri
U Central Oklahoma
U Chicago
U Cincinnati Main
U Cincinnati R Walters College
U Colorado Boulder
U Colorado Colorado Springs
U Colorado Denver
U Connecticut
U Dallas
U Dayton
U Delaware
U Denver
U Detroit Mercy
U District Columbia
U Findlay
U Florida
U Georgia
U Guam
U Hawaii Hilo
U Hawaii Honolulu CC
U Hawaii Kapiolani CC
U Hawaii Kauai CC
U Hawaii Leeward CC
U Hawaii Manoa
U Hawaii Maui CC
U Hawaii West Oahu
U Houston
U Houston Clear Lake
U Houston Downtown
U Idaho
U Illinois Chicago
U Illinois Springfield
U Illinois Urbana Champaign
U Incarnate Word College
U Iowa
U Kansas Main Campus
U Kentucky
U LaVerne
U Louisiana Monroe
U Louisville
U Lousiana Lafayette
U Main Augusta
U Maine
U Maine Presque Isle
U Mary
U Mary Hardin Baylor
U Mary Washington
U Maryland Baltimore
U Maryland Baltimore County
U Maryland College Park
U Maryland Eastern Shore
U Maryland Global Campus UMUC
U Maryland System Office
U Massachusetts Amherst
U Massachusetts Boston
U Massachusetts Dartmouth
U Massachusetts Lowell
U Memphis
U Miami
U Michigan Ann Arbor
U Michigan Ann Arbor
U Michigan Dearborn
U Michigan Flint
U Minnesota Crookston
U Minnesota Duluth
U Minnesota Morris
U Minnesota Twin Cities
U Mississippi
U Missouri Columbia
U Missouri Kansas City
U Missouri Saint Louis
U Montana Missoula
U Montana Missoula Coll Tech
U Montana Western
U Nebraska Kearney
U Nebraska Lincoln
U Nebraska Omaha
U Nevada Las Vegas
U Nevada Reno
U New England
U New Hampshire
U New Haven
U New Mexico Main Campus
U New Orleans
U North Carolina Asheville
U North Carolina Chapel Hill
U North Carolina Charlotte
U North Carolina Greensboro
U North Carolina Pembroke
U North Carolina Wilmington
U North Dakota Main Campus
U North Florida
U North Texas
U Northern Colorado
U Northern Iowa
U Northwestern Ohio
U Notre Dame
U Of South Carolina Upstate
U Oklahoma Health Sciences
U Oregon
U Pennsylvania
U Phoenix
U Pittsburgh Johnstown
U Pittsburgh Pittsburgh PA
U Portland
U Providence
U Puerto Rico Mayagues
U Puget Sound
U Redlands
U Rhode Island
U Rio Grande
U Rochester
U S Air Force Academy
U S Coast Guard Academy
U S Naval Academy
U Saint Francis
U Saint Thomas
U San Francisco
U Sioux Falls
U South Alabama
U South Carolina
U South Carolina Columbia
U South Carolina Lancaster
U South Carolina Salk
U South Carolina Sumter
U South Dakota
U South Florida
U Southern California
U Southern Indiana
U Southern Maine
U Southern Mississippi
U Tennessee
U Tennessee Chattanooga
U Tennessee Martin
U Texas Arlington
U Texas Austin
U Texas Brownsville
U Texas Dallas
U Texas El Paso
U Texas Health Science San Ant
U Texas Permian Basin
U Texas Rio Grande Valley
U Texas San Antonio
U Texas Tyler
U Toledo
U Tulsa
U Utah
U Vermont
U Washington
U West Alabama
U West Florida
U West Georgia
U Western States
U Wisconsin
U Wisconsin Colleges
U Wisconsin Eau Claire
U Wisconsin Green Bay
U Wisconsin LaCross
U Wisconsin Madison
U Wisconsin Marshfield Wood
U Wisconsin Milwaukee
U Wisconsin Oshkosh
U Wisconsin Parkside
U Wisconsin Platteville
U Wisconsin River Falls
U Wisconsin Stevens Point
U Wisconsin Stout
U Wisconsin Superior
U Wisconsin Waukesha
U Wisconsin Whitewater
U Wyoming
U of Advancing Technology
U of Alaska Fairbanks
U of Alaska Sitka
U of California-Merced
U of Jamestown
U of North Alabama
U of the Pacific
UMDNJ New Jersey Med School
Ulster County CC
Umpqua CC
Uniformed Services U of Health Sciences
Union College
Union College
Union County College
Union Institute U
United States Military Academy
Unity College
Univ of North Georgia
University of Hartford
University of New England
University of Puerto Rico-Ponc
University of Texas Health Sci
Ursinus College
Utah State U
Utah Tech U
Utah Valley U
Utica College
Valdosta State U
Valencia CC
Valley City State U
Valparaiso U
Vance Granville CC
Vanguard U South California
Vaughn Coll Aeronautics Tech
Ventura College
Vermilion CC
Vermont Technical College
Vernon College
Victor Valley College
Victory College
Villanova U
Vincennes U
Virginia Commonwealth U
Virginia Highlands CC
Virginia Polytech State U
Virginia Wesleyan U
Virginia Western CC
Viterbo U
Volunteer State CC
Voorhees College
Wabash College
Wake Forest U
Wake Technical CC
Walden U
Waldorf College
Walla Walla CC
Walla Walla U
Wallace State CC Hanceville
Walters State CC
Warner Pacific College
Warren County CC
Warren Wilson College
Wartburg College
Washburn U
Washington Adventist U
Washington State CC
Washington State U
Washington U St Louis
Washtenaw CC
Waubonsee CC
Waukesha County Tech College
Wayland Baptist U
Wayne CC
Wayne County CC District
Wayne State U
Waynesburg U
Weatherford College
Weber State U
Webster U
Wenatchee Valley College
Wentworth Military Academy
Wesley College
Wesleyan U
West Chester U Pennsylvania
West Coast U Los Angeles
West Coast U Orange City
West Georgia Tech C
West Hills C Coalinga
West Hills C Lemoore
West Kentucky CC Technical
West Liberty State College
West Los Angeles College
West Texas A M U
West Valley College
West Virginia U
Westcliff University
Western Carolina U
Western Connecticut State U
Western Governors U
Western Illinois U
Western International U
Western Iowa Technical CC
Western Kentucky U
Western Michigan U
Western Nebraska CC
Western Nevada College
Western New England College
Western New Mexico U
Western Oklahoma State College
Western Oregon U
Western Piedmont CC
Western Seminary
Western State Colorado U
Western Technical College
Western Texas College
Western Washington U
Western Wyoming CC
Westfield State College
Westminster College
Westminster College
Westmont College
Westmoreland County CC
Wharton County Junior College
Whatcom CC
Wheaton College
Wheaton College
Wheeling Jesuit U
Whitman College
Whittier College
Whitworth University
Wichita State U
Widener U
Wilkes U
Willamette U
William Carey U
William Jessup U
William Jewell College
William Paterson U New Jersey
William Penn U
Williams College
Williston State College
Wilmington College
Wilmington College
Wilson Technical CC
Winona State U
Winthrop U
Wisconsin Indianhead Tech Coll
Wisconsin Lutheran College
Wofford College
Woodbury U
Woodland CC
Worcester Polytechnic Institut
Worcester State U
Wright State U Lake Campus
Wright State U Main Campus
Xavier U
Yakima Valley C
Yavapai College
Yeshiva U
York College
York College
York Technical College
Young Harris College
Youngstown State U
Yuba College
Zane State College
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